# Calendar A Simple Calendar App for Android I recently searched for a calendar app on the Android markets, but didn't find one that satisfied my needs. So I created my own 😁. Hope you like it. ## About Calendar can do the following: - Add appointments - Show appointments for a particular day - Easily switch between consecutive days - Send reminder notifications for upcoming appointments - Create a batch of recurring appointments - Send a daily overview notification with your appointments for that day - Send sleep reminder notifications (because we're humans and humans don't have the discipline to maintain a regular sleep schedule) - Automatically delete old appointments - Create and load backups of your appointments - Some other small things not worth mentioning ## Installation Calendar is available on the Google Play Store. Visit [this page](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=be.bitscuit.calendar) to install the app on your device. You could also build Calendar from source, but that's a bit more involved: - Download the source code: `git clone https://git.bitscuit.be/bitscuit/Calendar` - Open the project in Android Studio. - Connect your smartphone to your computer and enable `USB-debugging` under `Developer Settings` on your phone. - Click the green play button in Android Studio to build and run the code. - Calendar is now installed on your phone 🥳 ## Contributing Want to help develop Calendar? Awesome! Feel free to fork this repository, add new features and submit a pull request. Thanks! ## Disclaimer Copyright 2021 Thomas Van Acker This project is available under the [GPLv3 license](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html). This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. I am not resposible for any damage that may be caused by this software. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.