import serial import time import threading import math print("PrintBuddy V0.1") print("Made by Thomas Van Acker") print("") # Static var init COMMANDS = { "help":"List all commands with explanation", "exit":"Disconnect from printer and exit", "raw":"Send raw gcode commands", "home":"Auto-home the machine", "load":"Load a gcode file", "add":"Manipulate the loaded gcode", "print":"Print the loaded gcode", "level":"Start bed leveling wizard", "mesh":"Start mesh bed leveling wizard" } GCODE_FILCH_LAYER = ["G28 X Y", "M84", "M300 P3000", "M0", "M600", "M400", "G28 X Y", "G0 F1500"] # Function declarations def send(c, silent=False): global s if not silent: print("%s"%c) c += "\n" s.write(c.encode("utf-8")) while True: r = s.readline().decode("utf-8").strip() if not silent: print(" > %s"%r) if r[0:2] == "ok": break def threadPrintInput(): # Checks for input from user during printing process global abortPrint while printing: i = input() if i == "stop" or i == "exit": abortPrint = True break def meshZ(X, Y): # Interpolates values of mesh x = X/300*(MESH_SIZE-1) y = Y/300*(MESH_SIZE-1) xmin = math.floor(x) xmax = math.ceil(x) ymin = math.floor(y) ymax = math.ceil(y) z0 = mesh[ymin][xmin] + (mesh[ymin][xmax]-mesh[ymin][xmin])*(x-xmin) z1 = mesh[ymax][xmin] + (mesh[ymax][xmax]-mesh[ymax][xmin])*(x-xmin) z = z0 + (z1-z0)*(y-ymin) return z # Var init serialPort = "/dev/ttyUSB0" serialBaud = 115200 gcodeRaw = "" gcodeLines = [] gcodeLayers = 1 printing = False abortPrint = False MESH_SIZE = 9 # Number of points of a side in the mesh. MESH_OFFSET = 1.00 # The distance above Z=0 where printbed is located. Mesh needs to be added to this number to get the absolute Z height. mesh = [[0 for _ in range(MESH_SIZE)] for __ in range(MESH_SIZE)] meshPositions = [["X%d Y%d"%(280/(MESH_SIZE-1)*x+10, 280/(MESH_SIZE-1)*y+10) for x in range(MESH_SIZE)] for y in range(MESH_SIZE)] levelingCornersPos = {0:"X10 Y45",1:"X10 Y260",2:"X280 Y260",3:"X280 Y45"} # Read mesh file print("Reading mesh file...") try: f = open("mesh.txt", "r") t =[:-1] f.close() lines = t.split("\n") MESH_SIZE = int(lines[0]) mesh = [[0 for _ in range(MESH_SIZE)] for __ in range(MESH_SIZE)] meshPositions = [["X%d Y%d"%(280/(MESH_SIZE-1)*x+10, 280/(MESH_SIZE-1)*y+10) for x in range(MESH_SIZE)] for y in range(MESH_SIZE)] for i in range(MESH_SIZE*MESH_SIZE): mesh[int(i/MESH_SIZE)][int(i%MESH_SIZE)] = float(lines[i+1]) print("Mesh loaded.") except Exception as e: print("Couldn't read mesh file. Using default mesh.") print(e) print("Current mesh:") for i in mesh: for j in i: print("{:5.2f}".format(j), end=" ") print() # Connect to printer print("\nConnecting to printer...") s = serial.Serial(serialPort, serialBaud) time.sleep(1) s.write(b"\r\n\r\n") # Wake printer time.sleep(2) readBytes = s.inWaiting() r ="utf-8") print(" > %s"%r) time.sleep(5) print("Connected!") # Start main loop while True: print("\n# Please enter a command ('help' for command list)") cmd = input() if cmd == "help": # List all commands print("\nCOMMAND\t\tACTION") for k in COMMANDS.keys(): print("%s\t\t%s"%(k, COMMANDS[k])) elif cmd == "home": # Home machine send("G28", silent=True) #Auto-home send("M84", silent=True) #Disable steppers elif cmd == "raw": # Send raw gcode commands print("Entering raw mode. Proceed at your own risk. Type 'exit' to exit raw mode.") while True: print("\n# RAW: Please enter a gcode command (or 'exit' to exit)"); r = input() if r == "exit": break send(r) print("Exiting raw mode.") elif cmd == "load": # Load gcode file print("# Please enter the path to the gcode file you want to load") path = input() # Try to open and parse file try: print("Trying to open file...") f = open(path, "r") print("Reading...") gcodeRaw =[:-1] f.close() print("Parsing...") gcodeLines = gcodeRaw.split("\n") # Iterate through all lines to get info gcodeLines = 0 for l in range(len(gcodeLines)): line = gcodeLines[l] if line[0] == ";": # When comment if line.startswith(";LAYER:"): l = int(line[line.index(":") +1:]) if l > gcodeLayers: gcodeLayers = l print("#Layers: %d"%gcodeLayers) print("%d lines"%len(gcodeLines)) print("File loaded! Use 'add' to manipulate this gcode.") except Exception as e: print("Couldn't read file:") print(e) # Reset gcode vars gcodeRaw = "" gcodeLines = [] gcodeLayers = 1 elif cmd == "add": # Manipulate gcode # Check if gcode present if gcodeRaw == "" or len(gcodeLines) == 0: print("No gcode loaded. Use 'load' to load gcode.") continue # Display all commands print("COMMAND\t\tEXPLANATION") print("exit\t\tReturn") print("mesh\t\tEnable Mesh Bed Leveling") print("filch\t\tFilament change at specific layer") print("") print("# Please enter one of the above actions.") # Getting input act = input() if act == "exit": print("Exiting.") pass elif act == "mesh": # Add Mesh Bed Leveling print("Recalculating Z with Mesh Bed Leveling...") layerZ = 0 layerIndex = 0 for l in range(len(gcodeLines)): line = gcodeLines[l] # Check if comment if line[0] == ";": # Check if new layer if line.startswith(";LAYER:"): layerIndex = int(line[line.index(":") +1:]) if not (line.startswith("G0") or line.startswith("G1")): continue # When this is a movement line tokens = line.split(" ") indexX = -1 indexY = -1 indexZ = -1 for t in range(len(tokens)): if tokens[t][0] == "X": indexX = t elif tokens[t][0] == "Y": indexY = t elif tokens[t][0] == "Z": indexZ = t # Check if Z is given if not indexZ == -1: # When Z is set -> save as layer height layerZ = float(tokens[indexZ][1:]) # Add Z if X or Y are set if indexX == -1 or indexY == -1: continue X = float(tokens[indexX][1:]) Y = float(tokens[indexY][1:]) Z = layerZ + MESH_OFFSET + (meshZ(X, Y)*max(0, float(10-layerIndex)/10.0) if layerIndex < 10 else 0) # Add Z coordinate tokens.append("Z{:.3f}".format(Z)) newLine = " ".join(tokens) gcodeLines[l] = newLine print("Done!") elif act == "filch": # Filament change at layer layer = 0 while True: # Ask for layer print("# FILCH: At which layer do you want to change filament?") l = input() # Check if valid try: layer = int(l) if layer > 0 and layer <= gcodeLayers: break print("Invalid.") except: print("Invalid.") if layer == 0: continue # exit # Search for start of this layer print("Searching for layer...") success = False for l in range(len(gcodeLines)): line = gcodeLines[l] if line[0] == ";": if line.startswith(";LAYER:"): thisLayer = int(line[line.find(":")+1:]) # Check if right layer if thisLayer == layer: # Add filch gcode print("Adding gcode for filch...") gcodeLines[l:l] = GCODE_FILCH_LAYER success = True break print("Done." if success else "Couldn't find layer.") else: # When add action not found print("Command not found.") elif cmd == "print": # Print loaded gcode if len(gcodeLines) == 0: print("No file loaded yet. Use 'load' to load gcode.") else: # Start print printing = True abortPrint = False print("Print started. Type 'stop' at any time to abort the print.") send("M75", silent=True) # Start timer # Start thread to check for commands threadInput = threading.Thread(target=threadPrintInput, daemon=True) threadInput.start() # Send gcode line by line to printer for l in range(len(gcodeLines)): line = gcodeLines[l] # Check if needs to abort print if abortPrint: print("Aborting print!") break # Check if comment if line[0] == ";": # Check if new layer if line.startswith(";LAYER:"): layer = int(line[line.index(":") +1:]) print("Printing layer %d/%d"%(layer, gcodeLayers)) else: # Send line to printer send(line, silent=True) # Stop input thread printing = False # Stop print send("M104 S0", silent=True) # Hotend off send("M140 S0", silent=True) # Bed off send("M107", silent=True) # Fan off send("M77", silent=True) # Stop timer send("M31", silent=True) # Display time on lcd send("G28 X Y", silent=True) # Home X and Y send("G0 Y300 F1500", silent=True) # Move platform to user send("M84", silent=True) # Disable steppers send("M400", silent=True) # Wait for previous commands to finish send("M300 P3000", silent=True) # Beep print("Print done!") elif cmd == "level": # Normal leveling wizard print("Starting leveling wizard...") send("G28", silent=True) #Home send("G0 F7500", silent=True) # Set feedrate print("Please adjust the knob under the nozzle so that a piece of paper can slide under the nozzle with just a little bit of friction.") # Start corner loop i = 0 while True: # Move to corner print("Moving to corner %d..."%i) send("G0 Z10", silent=True) send("G0 %s"%levelingCornersPos[i], silent=True) send("G0 Z0", silent=True) send("M84", silent=True) #Disable steppers # Prompt user print("Press ENTER to move to next corner. Type 'exit' to exit wizard.") r = input() if r == "exit": break # Next corner i = (i+1)%4 # End wizard send("G0 F1500", silent=True) #Set slower feedrate send("G28", silent=True) #Home send("M84", silent=True) #Disable steppers elif cmd == "mesh": # Mesh leveling wizard print("Starting mesh leveling wizard...") send("G28", silent=True) #Home send("G0 F7500", silent=True) # Set feedrate print("\nSTEP 1: Normal leveling") print("Please adjust the knob under the nozzle so that a piece of paper can slide under the nozzle with just a little bit of friction.") # Start corner loop i = 0 stop = False while True: # Move to corner print("Moving to corner %d..."%i) send("G0 Z10", silent=True) send("G0 %s"%levelingCornersPos[i], silent=True) send("G0 Z{:.2f}".format(MESH_OFFSET), silent=True) # Prompt user print("Press ENTER to move to next corner. Type 'next' to go to step 2. Type 'exit' to exit wizard.") r = input() if r == "exit": stop = True break elif r == "next": break # Next corner i = (i+1)%4 # Step 2: get mesh deltas if not stop: print("\nSTEP 2: Mesh leveling") print("For every mesh point, lower the nozzle using the '+' and '-' buttons until the nozzle is at the right height. Then, enter 'next' to go to the next mesh point. Type 'exit' to exit the wizard.") # Move through mesh for y in range(MESH_SIZE): for x in range(MESH_SIZE): Z = 1.00 # Offset on top of MESH_OFFSET print("\nMoving to mesh point x=%d, y=%d"%(x,y)) send("G0 Z10", silent=True) send("G0 %s"%meshPositions[y][x], silent=True) send("G0 Z{:.3f}".format(Z+MESH_OFFSET), silent=True) # Input loop stop = False while True: i = input() if i == "+": Z += 0.01 send("G0 Z{:.3f}".format(Z+MESH_OFFSET), silent=True) elif i == "-": Z -= 0.01 send("G0 Z{:.3f}".format(Z+MESH_OFFSET), silent=True) elif i == "++": Z += 0.1 send("G0 Z{:.3f}".format(Z+MESH_OFFSET), silent=True) elif i == "--": Z -= 0.1 send("G0 Z{:.3f}".format(Z+MESH_OFFSET), silent=True) elif i == "+++": Z += 0.5 send("G0 Z{:.3f}".format(Z+MESH_OFFSET), silent=True) elif i == "---": Z -= 0.5 send("G0 Z{:.3f}".format(Z+MESH_OFFSET), silent=True) elif i == "exit": stop = True break elif i == "next": mesh[y][x] = Z print("Mesh value saved (Z={:.3f})".format(Z)) break # Check if needs to exit if stop: break # Check if needs to exit if stop: break # Print mesh print("\nCurrent Mesh:") for i in mesh: for j in i: print("{:6.3f}".format(j), end=" ") print() # Save mesh to file print("Writing mesh to file...") try: t = "" t += "%d\n"%MESH_SIZE for y in range(MESH_SIZE): for x in range(MESH_SIZE): t += "{:.3f}\n".format(mesh[y][x]) f = open("mesh.txt", "w") f.write(t) f.close() except Exception as e: print("Couldn't write mesh to file.") print(e) # End wizard send("G0 F1500", silent=True) #Set slower feedrate send("G28", silent=True) #Home send("M84", silent=True) #Disable steppers elif cmd == "exit": break else: print("Command not found. Enter 'help' to list all commands.") # Close serial print("Disconnecting from printer...") s.close() # End of script print("Thank you for using PrintBuddy!")